Thursday, October 17, 2013

The ``Great California ShakeOut'' in Los Angeles 2013

The sixth annual ``Great California ShakeOut'' statewide earthquake-preparation drill at Rosemont Avenue Elementary School in Los Angeles on October 17, 2013. About 9.5 million people registered to take part in the drill statewide, which took place at 10:17 a.m. and encouraged participants to ``drop, cover and hold on'' as  if the area was being shook by a magnitude-7.8 or larger quake. (Photo by Ringo Chiu/

10月17日,在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶举行了第六届年度全球最大規模地震演習「大搖晃」(Great ShakeOut)。主辦者表示,加州有950萬人簽署參與,在全球其他地震區也有1,500萬人參與。大搖晃」最先於2008年在加州舉行,跟着蔓延至全世界,今年有日本、加拿大、意大利和關島加入。

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